Born in Springfield, Massachusetts, Vincent has a BA in Drama at San Francisco State University, an M.S. in Education from Hunter College in New York, classical training in London at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and an apprenticeship at The Williamstown Theater Festival. After serving as a Communications Specialist in the U.S. Army Patriot Missile Unit, he played Tom in Tennessee Williams’ ‘The Glass Menagerie’ and Jerry in Edward Albee’s ‘The Zoo Story’ in Germany. In Massachusetts, he played Cinesias in ‘Lysistrata’; Brack in ‘Hedda Gabler’; Delmount in ‘The Miss Firecracker Contest’; and the title role in ‘The Rainbow Boy’ at Northampton Center For The Arts, Smirnov in The Boor; and a Lord in ‘Henry IV,’ directed by Austin Pendleton at Williamstown. Vincent performed in ‘Macbeth’ at Potrero Stage in San Francisco,’ ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ and ‘Measure For Measure’ at San Francisco Shakespeare Festival, ‘Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom’ at The Black Rep Group in Berkeley and apprenticed at The San Francisco Mime Troupe. He performed in a national tour with Chamber Theater Productions of Boston playing Roderick in ‘The Fall of the House of Usher, General Zaroff in ‘The Most Dangerous Game’ and Sam in ‘The Ransom of Red Chief.’In New York, he played the male lead in the award-winning ‘Woman In The Animal Kingdom’ at the New York International Fringe Festival. He played Malcolm in ‘Macbeth for Westco Productions’; Algernon in ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ at Impact Theater; Rosalind in the switched-gender ‘As You Like It’ at Expanded Arts; Butch in ‘The Good Time Boys’ at The Wings Theatre; Hortensio in ‘The Taming of The Shrew’ and Oliver in ‘As You Like It” at Pulse Ensemble Theater, the male puppeteer/narrator in a children’s show, “Chasing Rainbows,” the male lead in ‘A Subway Story’ with Fantastic Experimental Latino Theater, Seth Ramos in ‘A Day In The Crib’ with The Rojas Projects and The Tree in ‘My Friend The Tree’ at Flamboyan Theater at The Clemente Center. In film and TV, Vincent began in ‘Golden Gate’, directed by John Madden (‘Shakespeare In Love’). He played Johanssen in ‘The Ghost Sonata’ on PBS, Tom in ‘Three Deaths and a Date’, St John Eudes in ‘The Saints Speak’ for EWTN, Tom in ‘Last Performance’ for Briennen Productions in Berlin and had a supporting role in ‘Saturday Night Live’ and ‘As The World Turns’. As a voiceover artist, he has roles in animation such as ‘MD Geist, ‘Garzey’s Wing’ and ‘Genocyber’ as well as numerous characters in ‘Treasure Island’. As producer and director, Vincent completed the documentary ‘Men Who Sing’ about the 2nd oldest male glee club and is working on ‘Weimar 1918-1933’, ‘Quebec Faith and Culture’, varied client business videos and is the producer for the Vincent Bagnall YouTube channel. As a teacher, Vincent’s technique is based on the Voice and works on improvisation, movement and scene study.
The Ghost Sonata Johansson PBS
Golden Gate Mover MGM/American Playhouse Theater
Cleopatra Backstage Marc Antony Vagisha Productions
The Saints Speak St. John Eudes EWTN/Arcadia Films
As The World Turns DJ Proctor and Gamble CBS
Saturday Night Live Freddie Boy Band SNL Studios NBC
Last Performance Tom Edwin Briennen Productions
M.D. Geist II Major U.S. Manga
Genocyber Captain U.S. Manga
Garzey’s Wing Domon Anime 18
Taming of The Shrew Hortensio Pulse Ensemble Theater NY
As You Like It Oliver Pulse Ensemble Theater NY
A Day In The Crib Seth Ramos Felix Rojas Projects
My Friend The Tree The Tree Flamboyan Theater Clemente Center
Animal Kingdom The Man New York International Fringe Festival
The Good Time Boys Butch Wings Theatre, NY.
A Subway Story The Tourist Fantastic Experimental Latino Theater
As You Like It Rosalind Shakespeare In The Parking Lot
The Importance Of Being Earnest Algernon Impact Theater
The Boor Smirnov Williamstown Theater Festival, MA.
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom Irwin/Policeman Black Repertory Group, Berkeley, Ca.
Macbeth Malcolm Westco Productions, White Plains, NY
Henry IV Lord Williamstown Theater Festival, MA.
Measure for Measure Elbow San Francisco Shakespeare Festival
Midsummer Night’s Dream Lysander San Francisco Shakespeare Festival
Macbeth Caithness/Siward Potrero Stage, SF,
The Fall of The House of Usher Roderick Chamber Theater, Boston, Nat. Tour
The Most Dangerous Game Zaroff Chamber Theater, Boston, Nat.Tour
The Ransom of Red Chief Sam Chamber Theater Boston, Nat Tour
The Rainbow Boy Rainbow Boy Northampton Center For The Arts, Ma.
The Zoo Story Jerry Giessen Keller Theater, Germany
The Glass Menagerie Tom Giessen Keller Theater, Germany
Hedda Gabler Judge Brack Leslie Butterworth Theater,MA
The Miss Firecracker Contest Delmount Leslie Butterworth Theater, MA
Lysistrata Cinesias Leslie Butterworth Theater, MA
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
New York. The Importance of Being Earnest Directed by J. Brandon Hill, is the witty story of John Worthing and his friend Algernon Moncrieff, who both take on the name Ernest in order to win the hearts of their respective loves. The performances were generally good, with Vincent Bagnall standing out as an appropriately charming and slippery Algernon. Sharon Becker was also very good as a coquettish Gwendolen. Steve Hasley and Hal Smith-Reynolds fared well as John Worthing and The Rev. Canon Chasuble.
The Zoo Story Cheery Game of Confusion Ends in Deadly Earnestness
Germany. Edward Albee’s The Zoo Story at Giessen Keller Theater. (directed by Jeff Melcher) Two men, who under normal conditions, have nothing to say to each other, meet accidentally. The younger man (called Jerry) insists that the other be his listener and begins talking like a waterfall. This Jerry, performed magnificently by Vincent Bagnall, floods his victim with banalities, neurotic madness and helpless brooding over God and the world. He entices, irritates and provokes him up to a fight that results in his own murder. Ute S. Lahaie, Giessener Anzeiger.
The Glass Menagerie American Dream Created From Fragile Glass
Williams’ Glass Menagerie in Giessen Keller Theater. (Directed by Scot Lahaie) The overall direction by Lahaie did convey the tensions in the family well. Denise Moyle plays the “speech-blessed” woman of the American South with a comic and tragic style. Laura, played by Vicki Smith, limps frequently with jerky Hands. Tracy Jacobsen plays the part of the successful and smart American boy with completeness. Vincent Bagnall, as the son Tom and narrator, has the most impressionable scenes in the family. This is a highly impressive production with strong character work.” Ute S. Lahaie, Giessener Anzeiger.
Treasure Island by Digiview Entertainment

External Voice: Diaphragmatic breathing, opening the vocal instrument, tongue isolations, heightening vowels and consonants, pitches, pauses, pacing, frontal articulation, building vocal resonance, key words, inflection, vocal fluency.
Internal Voice: Silence awareness, listening, vocal isolations, vocal memory meditation, pauses, balanced conversation.
Presentation: Preparation of monologues, dialogue, personal speech, conversation, formal speech, audience interaction.
Classical Speech: Iambic Pintameter, Inflection, Pacing.
Training to move beyond physical constrictions and use the body as a full acting instrument that can interact fully, with all the senses, to the world around them.
Training in spontaneity, character study, presence and collaboration in free form exercises. Experience in short and long form sketches, teamwork and in conflict resolution.
Scene Study
Training and experience for actors taking a scene from a play, television or movie and working on it in front of an other acting students. The goal is to receive constructive feedback and make adjustments to improve the craft and choices of intention, beat changes, sensory awareness and character development.